Mix & Match? – House Hunting Update

2012-11-14-14.25.18-HDRI guess you see how well I’m doing with trying to blog regularly. I posted two days of thankfulness and it’s November 19th. That doesn’t mean I’m not thankful though! I just can’t seem to make blogging a habit. :(

We’ve been really busy house-hunting. Our apartment lease is up at the end of December so we or may not make that deadline.

The house I mentioned in my first post about house hunting (see here), didn’t work out. :( We made an offer right before Ryan left for South Africa, and supposedly they accepted our offer after a few counter offers. So I sent the earnest money, signed the papers, and was trying to fit in an inspection when Ryan got home.

However, they didn’t sign the papers (they being the relocation company + owners of the house). And supposedly another offer came in during that time so we had to re-submit ours. The other offer was accepted. It wasn’t fair, but there’s nothing we can do about it.

So the search continued on… we’ve looked at a lot of houses lately. It’s been quite the experience. We opened up our search to basically any area in Indy, instead of staying in a certain geographical area to qualify for the USDA loan. We just couldn’t find anything else in that area. So I thought we’d have lots of options with no restrictions on the area with a different loan… however, there’s just not many choices out there in our price range. There’s so many bank owned homes and they just need too much TLC.

There’s one potential house, which is in a good location, has a nice big yard, and the inside just needs a little work to make it almost perfect. However, we are still waiting to hear about the age of the roof, AC unit, etc to see if it would be a good investment or not.

If only we could mix & match… a house, a yard, and a location. Then, we would be set!!! Some of the neatest, historical homes aren’t in the best areas, nor do they have a big yard. But they have so much charm! Agh… we may just give up on Indianapolis. ;) Just kidding, kinda.



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