Tag: funny

  • April Fool’s stories…in May; why not?

    Writing prompt: Write about a prank you participated in, experienced, or heard about (on April Fool’s Day or any other day). April Fool’s 2008, Anderson University: Some friends and I decided (well it wasn’t my idea..ha) to play a prank on our chemistry professor for April Fool’s! We thought that out of all our professors,…

  • Nerdy

    Who ever thought Botany was funny? Last year in Botany lab, some people came up with these sentences using biology words. Hilarious! [Even though I already forgot what most of them mean, ha]. We made studying for biology fun… now it’s boring all alone without them to make funny, nerdy jokes. =( I have a…

  • Preview of Love Story

    I just read in a magazine about a challenge of writing your love story in 6 words. It’s from a new book called Six-Word Memoirs on Love & Heartbreak – a compilation of 6 word love stories. For example: “Not always perfect. But so worthwhile.” and “Hog the covers, I don’t mind.” They can be…

  • January 7th

    There’s nothing like a first kiss. Today holds a special memory from 3 years ago. First kiss (did I mention amazing?) with a cute boy named Ryan. You may think it’s funny to remember such a date, but I think dates & numbers hold significance. I believe God works with them. There are several important…