
You won’t believe it, but I actually have something exciting to share!

I’ve been wanting a kitten for a few weeks or so. I’m not sure where the idea came from… but nonetheless I couldn’t shake it. My Mom seemed surprisingly agreeable, so it didn’t take any convincing. I thought that maybe it’d be beneficial for our cat Fluffy, who doesn’t get along with either one of our cats. She gets really lonely so I thought we could get her a companion.
The other day I started looking on a local advertising site for a kitten and there’s plenty of kittens to go around. I found a guy with 13 kittens (from two different Mama cats) and my Mom and I met up with him yesterday. She picked out the one she thought was the cutest, because apparently she’s picky and discriminates against “ugly” kittens. Ha. She chose a medium to long hair female, that is black with white paws, nose, and belly. The kitten is sooo precious! She is only 6 weeks old so she is pretty tiny. But don’t let her fool you, she’s a feisty little thing.

I introduced her to our other 3 cats (who are pretty old) and…. they hate her. I was scared they would attack her after hissing and growling so we kept them at a safe distance. Our cat Lucky, who is really spoiled, is apparently really jealous. How do we know? My Mom and I were on my Mom’s bed with her last night and she almost peed right in front of us! My Mom snatched her up just in time. Uh oh. I think I’ve caused a problem among our feline population.
How could our cats not love her though!? She is seriously adorable. She loooves to play and it didn’t take long to find out how sharp her teeth are. I also have a lot of tiny kitten scratches already. She loves to climb all over me and wants to be held .. actually, she’ll take any form of attention. She didn’t want me to go to class and she was lonely in our laundry room where she is staying for now. It made it even harder for me to go to class, as I’ve been tired of going since it’s so close to the end of the semester!
I keep referring to her as “she” because I haven’t officially named her yet. My Mom likes the name Boots because, well, it looks like she has white boots. I’m pretty indecisive! Do you have any ideas?! Help!
We used to have Mama cats that had litters of kittens all the time, but we got them all fixed a few years ago. So I haven’t played with a kitten in a long time and I almost forgot how cute they are! I wish they could stay tiny for longer.
A short video… she is too cute running across the floor.


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