Not Me! Monday

Some recent “not me!” moments.
[Blog carnival started by MckMama- click on the link above to see more.]

I did not try on and successfully fit (minus zipping it) into a flower girl dress I wore when I was 8 years old in my cousin’s wedding.. IF that happened, I wouldn’t show you the picture either… Not me!

I do not still watch Jon & Kate Plus 8 since they are separated and aren’t really Jon & Kate Plus 8. I certainly don’t have a problem looking away from “train wrecks.” Nope, not me!

I was not super tired after getting 7-8 (“normal”) hours of sleep one night. Who needs more sleep than that? Not me!

I would never read a text, set my phone down, and reply a few days later after remembering that I forgot to reply! Definitely not me!

I did not get lightheaded and almost pass out at Zumba during the cool down– who’s that out-of-shape and/or has weird circulatory issues? Not me!

I did not wear a tube top to get my driving license renewed so I would look naked in my license picture to be funny. I definitely would not think of something like that! Nope, not me!

It has not been so long ago that I don’t remember the last time I shaved my legs. Ha, not me! I keep my legs silky smooth alll the time, especially during the summer.

I did not get mistaken for a 14-year-old instead of a 21-year-old, even with make-up on! Who looks 7 years younger than their real age?! Certainly not me.

I did not get a ridiculous food fight…er, fight over food, with Ryan because I am mature and have better things to do with my time, like suck it up and eat a peanut butter sandwich.

Speaking of food fights, I would not gang up on my brother with my friend & cousin, hide in the dark, and throw old, moldy rolls at him to scare greet him. Not me!

My friends and I did not play Yahtzee & knit scarves like old ladies this past weekend because we are definitely young adults and not senior citizens… And I sure wouldn’t enjoy such a thing!

I did not beat Ryan by 1 point (and my Mom, cousin, Aunt, & brother by >2 points) at mini golf… oh wait….
That was me! :)


4 responses to “Not Me! Monday”

  1. Chrissy Avatar

    I seriously can't decide which one of these is the funniest! It might be the license picture…LOL!!

  2. Chrissy Avatar

    I seriously can't decide which one of these is the funniest! It might be the license picture…LOL!!

  3. hehe! :) Post coming soon on that…

  4. hehe! :) Post coming soon on that…

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