Tag: summer

  • Pulled

    To go to school this semester or not to go… that is the question. I have a important decision to make in very little time. If I go to school this fall, it will be S&T of Rolla. I am already registered and “ready” to go in that sense. I could go part-time or full-time,…

  • Welcome home!

    Guess who is home? :) :) :) Guess who has a birthday in six days? Guess who is reunited again? <3 Here’s your choices: A. Mindy B. Ryan C. All of the above That was too easy. Oh but let’s play a little game called the pass the sniffles. Ryan has a stuffy nose, although…

  • Happy July 5th

    Wow! It seems like the 4th of July always sneaks up on me! Once the firework tents go up, summer switches to lightning speed. Watching the fireworks is surreal because I think, it can’t possibly be this time already. Before I know it, my birthday will come and go, and then the sweet summer will…

  • Celebrating my Dad

    Today is not only the first day of summer, but it’s also a day to celebrate Dads! So I’d like to dedicate a post to my Dad in saying Happy Father’s Day! I love you Dad. Moments after he became an official Dad on my Birth Day, 1988! (This was the picture I was wanting…

  • Summertime

    I love love love Summer. And today is the first “official” day, even though I’ve considered it summer since my last class of the spring semester. Some of my summer loves… It’s WARM. Ok, mostly HOT, but I still love the sunshine. Just don’t forget the sunscreen! Summertime thunderstorms are the best! They’re even better…