Guilt + Pleasure

I have an easily guilted conscience, even by little things like playing a prank on someone. One good thing about it is it makes me live an honest life! I cannot tell lies, small or big.

Here are some of my guilty pleasures… Things I feel a little guilty about enjoying.

1. Taking a long, hot shower.

I feel environmentally unfriendly.

2. Rap music.
Used to listen to it all time, but stopped because the lyrics are (usually) inappropriate.

3. Eating a high calorie dessert, bacon, fast food, fried food.
Unhealthy choices.

4. Following celebrity (ex: Jon & Kate) or real life gossip.
I’m really not that bad, but I know I shouldn’t involve myself in gossip at all!

5. Facebook.
Oh, FB… need I explain? It’s a love/hate relationship.

6. Buying clothes that aren’t on sale.
I could’ve waited until it went on sale.

7. Catching more fish than Ryan.
A little guilty because he has to take my fishes off my hook, help me get untangled, etc, which takes away from his time!

8. Blogging or sleeping when I have homework that needs attention.
Should be doing homework obviously!

9. When I don’t answer my phone at 6 AM to sub.
I feel guilty, but I really shouldn’t because I’m not obligated to answer.

10. Chewing ice.
I wonder if the dentist will notice.

11. Playing a joke on someone (like when I certainly didn’t throw a spider on Ryan while he was sleeping.)
Even if it’s just silly & little, I still feel guilty.

12. Wasting my time doing pretty much nothing. (Although too much is not pleasurable.)
There’s probably something better I could be doing with my time.

13. Doing nothing but sleeping and cuddling all day… okay, only sometimes I feel guilty.
I think Ryan feels more guilt than I do because he has a never ending to-do list. Me? Not so much.

14. Skipping class or enjoying a cancelled class
I still have to pay for it and I’m missing out on learning… At AU, my nerdy friend and I figured up how much each class costs and so if we didn’t go to class, we knew we were wasting $50.00.
What are yours?


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