A detailed account of my lovely weekend

The weekend goodness was unfortunately not captured in pictures (dare I fight Ryan for a smile? no!), but the proof of my visit is in my brighter smile and love filled heart.

I left Missouri at 9:30 on Friday morning with a little anxiety that quickly diminished. Can I just say I am very excited that this weekend was not anxiety plagued like the last weekend in Anderson?! What a relief. More on that in another post because my therapy appointment was all about anxiety today.

In order to make it into Ryan’s arms ASAP, I only stopped two times to pee and ate a small lunch in my car that I packed. I don’t even have to stop for gas if I fill it up before I leave. 13 gallons in my Eclipse is just enough to make it to Anderson, Indiana. The anticipation to see Ryan was building throughout the 380 miles… and finally… at 5 pm eastern time, I arrived! There’s nothing like a long overdue hug (this time it had been 4 weeks) from your boyfriend. The rest of that night involved lots of cuddles, hugs, kisses… oh wait, that was the whole weekend! I’ll spare you the mushy details, but after we decided that cuddling only fed our hearts and not our stomachs, we ordered a pizza from Papa John’s for dinner. Ryan also made me some raspberry BourgeaTEA (Ryan is a part of this business) and then we watched the movie “Up.” Then I was super tired so we fell asleep and I woke back up at 3 am to a text from my friend, “Are you really going by central time?” She meant that open house hours ended at 2 am. Ooops. So I walked down two floors with two blankets, a body pillow, and a regular pillow to her apartment, where she ever so graciously let me sleep on her bed. She’s such a kind friend!

The next morning I may or may not have set my alarm for 10 am so I could go back up to Ryan’s apartment at the start of open house hours and finish sleeping. I finally ate breakfast at 1:30 pm and then hurriedly took a shower and got ready for a date at 3 pm. Good thing Ryan said “It’s 2:14 pm” because I was looking at central time on my computer and would’ve had to go on a date in my pajamas. (I had almost forgot was a date was like!!!)

We met up another couple and rode along with them to Indy (Indianapolis). They had to do a little shopping and then we went to a Church service where another guy from the John Tibbs band was playing. Afterwards, we went out to eat at a yummy pizza place (yep, pizza again) with four other couples. We got back to Anderson around 10 pm and just hung out and you know, cuddled.

I went to bed at 2:30 am and turned off my alarm when it went off at 9:30 for church the next morning. However, I magically awoke at 9:50 and quickly got ready (kind of) and made it in time (kind of). Ryan plays drums there every Sunday morning with John Tibbs. I learned at Church that Ryan is in the “Twitter elite” in Anderson, Indiana. (@ryanr14) I already knew he was a nerd though. :) A cute one, of course. Yes, they were talking about Twitter at Church.

Then we went back to campus and ended up eating more pizza (leftovers). I saw my friend Nour a little bit in between there. Next up was an amazing two-hour nap (of course Ryan fell asleep in .2 seconds) and then I went and hung out with Nour for an hour. If you haven’t noticed, I was traveling between the two floors of their apartments often. Another friend I had up at school, Joanna, happened to stop by, which was nice since we hadn’t seen each other in a year. Back to Ryan’s I went for more hanging out and then a late, but yummy dinner/breakfast at IHOP and a quick trip to Wal-Mart. The rest of the night I hung out with Nour and talked about such things like… Ryan’s facial hair, conceiving triplets, my upcoming decision for the next semester, and by the end of the night, I was exhausted. It’s really hard to balance boyfriend/bff time on a short time frame, but I’m glad Nour is understanding.

The next morning I got up at 9:30, showered, packed up, and said my goodbyes. The goodbye to Ryan wasn’t too bad this time since I will see him in a week (YAY!!!). But anytime I have to say goodbye to him, my heart is always a little (or a lot) heavy the rest of the day. I miss him the second I have to leave him.

On the way home, I only stopped twice again and with a little speeding, I made it home in exactly 6 hours. I determined it is impossible to make the trip in 6 hours unless you speed and hardly make a stop. Oh and also, I listened to Christmas music on the way back which got me even more excited for the Holidays. I had a few hours until my class that night and after my class, I couldn’t move from exhaustion!

Overall, it was a great weekend leaving me feeling good!!! Although, it made me sad to think that Ryan and I miss out on time together all the other weekends. Something like that weekend should be the norm, not a rarity. Sigh.

I’m looking forward to seeing him again next week for Thanksgiving!!! I can’t believe we only have to wait a week to see each other again. Maybe we should work on making that even less. (we = me)


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